always look behind you.


09 May 2012

Photograph #28 through #40

13 April 2012
New York City, NY
Central Park

14 April 2012
Cornwall, NY
Nature Reserve

16 April 2012
Stony Point, NY
Lighthouse and Battleground

17 April 2012
Fort Montgomery, NY
My backyard

19 April 2012
My House

24 April 2012
New York City, NY

25 April 2012
I made an apron

28 April 2012
Annapolis, MD
Naval Academy

29 April 2012
Annapolis, MD

30 April 2012
New York City, NY
New Apple Store

1 May 2012
West Point, NY
Trophy Point

5 May 2012
Highland Falls, NY
Dance Recital

6 May 2012
My home
Birthday dinner for sis

1 comment:

  1. Love your work, Jana! My parents and brother were in NYC a few weeks ago and loved it! My dad HAD to go to the Apple store and was so surprised when he walked in to ask for the new iPad and they had it in the back, compared to back home when people were on the waiting list :)
