always look behind you.


26 May 2012

Philadelphia, PA

Another adventure had!  I went to Philadelphia last weekend to see a lovely friend's wedding and to explore a new city.  It was a wonderful weekend getaway with my dear mum.  We explored Amish country, antique stores and the historic Philadelphia.  This is a must see!

*awesome, that is

On our way down to PA we took a break in Princeton, NJ.  I need to return here to actually see the town. I only photographed my mother's chic shoes.

Amish Country, PA

Strasbourg, PA

 We found ourselves in antique/junk stores and couldn't remove ourselves for HOURS.  They were fantastic!

Antiques/ Junk/ Awsomeness

 My friend, Courtney, dancing with her new husband.  Her mother made her adorable dress!

Independence Hall

Independence Hall

Independence Hall (I love the red brick in this town.  There was so much and it never got old.)

Inside the Old Town Hall

 Independence Hall...again :)

I saw a wedding shoot going on.  What a photographer's dream this must have been!

I have no idea which building this was, but it was gorgeous architecture.

The Carpenter's Hall

Carpenter's Hall

 Mini History Lesson!

My mother and I stopped at a little diner called Mrs. K's Koffee Shop on Chestnut St.  We had the most delicious black and white shakes there.  If you find yourself in Philly, you should most certainly go here!

Old Philadelphia

Christ Church 

The inside of Christ Church

This church reminded me of Europe, but it certainly had it's own Americana feel to it.

This is the pew where George Washington and John Adams sat during church.  How exciting!

This church was so open with large windows and everything was painted white.  It was breathtaking.  I would love to attend a chapel like this one.

More of Christ Church

The outside of Christ church...brick, of course!

The Steeple

See, lots of windows!

I just thought this was awesome. 

Elfreths' Alley.  Ok, I almost cried walking down this street.  It's the oldest historic neighborhood in the USA and it looks exactly like every european street I used to walk down on a daily basis.  It was such a charm to see.  It made me sad that more neighborhoods like this weren't preserved in the US. 

Elfreth's Alley Red Door

Window boxes are a must for a perfect house!

My amazingly chic and lovely mother.

My mum took this.  She's quite handy with a camera.

An awesome mural in the Old City

Penn's Landing.  I didn't actually take a picture of the Delaware River...hmm...I have no idea why.

Does anyone else find this funny?  I laughed out loud when I saw what I captured.

OH! I almost forgot!  

The Liberty Bell :)

This was actually a quite moving memorial site.  There is a lot of history in this country and the liberty bell represents the freedom we have fought for over the years.  It was a wonderful reminder as Memorial Day draws near of what our country has fought to preserve. 


  1. Amazing! You are a great photographer. Thanks for coming to Courtney's reception.

    Courtney's Dad, Craig
