I'm trying desperately to put together a portfolio for my portrait class that includes 20 portraits. No big deal, right? BIG DEAL. I'm scrambling to pull together all 20 images, each with certain specifications with regards to lighting and posing. Oh sigh. So, the sun peaked itself out for a little bit today and I need to get some more shots using my reflectors. Well, if you're familiar with Rexburg, ID you know that in the winter when the sun shines, it don't come for free! It usually is accompanied with gusts and bursts of strong wind....and that's exactly what I was cursed with today...lots and lots of wind. So my dear friends struggled to hold the reflectors and pose for me despite the currents...and this is what we struggled with for awhile:
Clarice didn't even have to hold the translucent, the wind just stuck it to her body!
Clarice didn't even have to hold the translucent, the wind just stuck it to her body!

The translucent kept hitting Emily in the face....oh dear....
The wind wasn't cooperating!
But somehow...finally...I got a few shots.
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