always look behind you.


29 December 2011

The Crandall Family...almost

While I was taking portraits of the Green Family, my family joined in as well for a few much needed shots!  My family never has their picture taken.  Rightly so.  We're always spread out and never in the same place at the same time.  And as usual we weren't all together this Christmas.  My beautiful sister, Abbey is in Texas serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  She's doing wonderful work, but we sure do miss her.  These photos aren't complete, but it is nice to capture a few of us from time to time. 

First we have a lovely shot of my mother and her brother.  I suppose sibling rivalries always endure!

I am so proud of this picture!  There are 14 of us and all eyes are open and everyone is smiling.  Aren't we a good looking bunch?  Um. Yes. 

A train came through while we were taking this picture.  It added a nice effect!

My family minus one sister.

This picture is just silly.  We look like a little family when we're all actually siblings.  People mistake us as a little family all the time.  GROSS. 

My beautiful parents.

My sister and I. 


  1. Great pics! Your husband looks great too! Oh, you said you were siblings. Like I said, your brother looks great too!

    The train does add to the substance of the scene and moment. I love the black and white. Can't explain it. There's just something so "spicy meatball" about it.

  2. Definitely a beautiful bunch of people. You're all matching too. Wow!
