always look behind you.


25 March 2012


I have been blessed to travel and see so many diverse places in my life.  I keep wondering when the opportunities will end, but they keep coming and I feel so grateful to continue to have these opportunities!  Just two weeks ago, I was able to travel to Florida for the first time and experience the beach on the ocean and the golf and enjoy warm, warm, weather.  It was heavenly and I am so grateful to the friend who invited me along.  Here are some (well a lot) of the images from my trip.

 Cocoa Beach, FL.  I have not been to a beach and swam in the water since Hawaii 2006.  It was wonderful!

Katie and I enjoyed a 7/11 slurpie our first day there!

The LDS Orlando, Florida temple 

We stayed in a series of, ehem, interesting hotels.  This one was appropriately named Magic Castle.  This was one of the better hotels we stayed in...

We enjoyed a Braves spring training game!

Clearwater, FL

We made the BIGGEST, BEST sand castle ever!  People were stopping to watch a bunch of 20-something- year- olds make a sand castle. 

Unfortunately, the only sunset-on-the-beach shot I was able to get.

On my way back from Florida, I was able to see the campus at the Navel Academy.  And wow.  It took my breath away!  

The dear friend who invited me on this wonderful trip!

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