Goodness. Post college life certainly is not what I expected. I have so much to think about and so much to do to figure out the direction I need to go in next. Until my next move falls into place, I have been filling my time working two jobs on top of fitting in photography sessions and trying to get in my own time taking evening walks with my camera. Five years ago I thought to myself that once I was out of school I would be living my beautiful life only taking pictures and traveling the world with my camera.
So not happening.
I am busy working at a golf course. I am busy working at a community art center. I am busy filling out job applications and writing massive amounts of cover letters. And shamelessly am busy buying
(Can I just say how happy I am that the peplum is in style? Every time I watch a movie with Katharine Hepburn and she's brooding around in a classy peplum my heart yearns with the desire to wear one. My wish come true! Thanks H&M.)
And with what minimal time I have left in a day I try to squeeze in my photography. Dream life, please come soon!
But I do realize that it is ok things aren't going according to plan. I am happy and I still have many opportunities to do what I love. And with the opportunity to teach photography classes, I am able to share what I love with others. Bring on the learners! I am ready to teach and share!
I am not working any jobs this weekend, so I have had a few hours today to catch up taking some photographs and editing a few images. Oh, I am so happy looking at photographs. Not just my own, but any really. When I see a good photographer's work I am so happy to see their success and joy expressed through their images. I have also had fun teaching my little sister how to use a camera. Yes, only one out of 15 pictures is actually in focus, but she has so much fun taking pictures and holding my camera. She does little happy dances every time I hand her my camera. One day she's going to be amazing. Her eye for photography is already developing. How exciting!
This morning I had some sweet sister-sister time with her. I let her do my hair today and we decided to go 60's style. I gave her my brush and hairspray and she went crazy backcombing my hair. Ha! We'll see if I ever brush it out again! And then I bumped up her hair as well and we ran downstairs to our basement and took photographs by our floor length window. It was delightful fun. She really is a joy to play with and I am so glad I have this opportunity to live at home right now and create all these special moments with her.
We tried to get a picture together but it just wasn't working. I'd tell her to stay still while I'd run over to pose before the timer would go off and every time she'd move out of frame. Haha. Oh well. Maybe we'll try again later.
Until then, I hope you enjoyed my little post.
(It is supposed to rain this week. Pray that it doesn't! I have a lovely family shoot on Friday that I have been looking forward to for weeks!)
Ciao, ciao.
You are so gorgeous JANA!!!! I love you!